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Wednesday 26 March 2014

As someone who likes writing I have missed out on one of the most important pursuits I should have been following - that of running a blog. I did have one until two years ago and then decided I should concentrate on writing my books and bowing and scraping to the social media, not that there's anything wrong in that but a blog is where I meet the serious readers and writers who want to talk about books and publishing. So with that in mind, I hope I will tweak readers curiosity with the following and hope to attract an audience with whom I can interact.
Each week I will be posting a review on what I call a 'work' book; an aid to one or several aspects of creative writing for all writers. (with a link)
Each week there will be a chance to increase your word power - a word with meaning and its historical background.
Each week I'll be looking at some aspect of the publishing world that has got me all annoyed or pleased.
Each week I will be commenting on my own experiences here on Malta with a slant to writing in general.
Each week I will be posting another writer's work on here. Maybe a short story or an excerpt from ongoing or finished work - published or not.
Each week you are invited to submit an article about anything you wish as long as it has something to do with our main theme - writing or creating a group of like minded readers and writers who want to be part of a literary group.

There are no rules - no fees - no age limits. To submit any work or article please contact me at  All of your work should be assigned the copyright symbol by you which will appear with your work or article. There is a comment box at the bottom of each page and you are encouraged to use this for comment on anything published there.

Submission guidelines - any article or piece of work or short story should be sent as an attachment in Word etc. and the same for any photo (small) and this includes a small shot of yourself.
There will be no editing and I promise I will post as is so make sure you submit your very best effort.

I have a voluntary job with The Story Mint as the publishing manager and will also be advertising our latest serial chapters with links so that you can follow the stories (four ongoing at the moment). FREE membership.

This is not a critiquing or publishing blog and all submissions are posted to help and encourage all writers to be creative while improving their skills through advice and discussion with fellow writers.

If any individual wishes to know about editing, formatting, cover design, publishing in print, or proof reading - get in touch as I have a mass of information on services that I recommend.

I do hope to hear from some of you soon. Thank you for your support.


Please visit my new Facebook page at