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Monday 28 April 2014

Chapter 3 - Kauri Jewel - Donna McTavish

Donna was born in Edinburgh and has lived and worked in Hong Kong, London, Johannesburg and Auckland. Donna vividly remembers waking up early to eat biscuits and read Enid Blyton stories when she was a youngster. English language and literature has been a constant love in her life and recently Donna has started to create stories of her own. She is a Story Mint member.

He’d slept for 12 hours, and when he woke the tiredness in his limbs was gone and the late morning sun was spilling through the cracks in the curtains and onto the faded carpet.  Somewhere on the drive to the hotel, he’d decided to stay in Rawene. He didn’t know if it would be for a week, a month or even longer, the decision was enough for the moment.

The rage he’d felt at his cancelled contract had caught him off guard. All that money spent on therapy had really paid off,  he thought wryly. His anger was still ready to pour through the smallest chink in the armour he’d created, threatening to plunge him into the darkness again. He sighed out his defeat.  Nothing had changed but he knew that it was a gift being in a place like this where no one knew what he’d done.

 His life had become reduced to this hotel room and the bright red Boat Shed cafe. Every morning the girl behind the counter tilted her head.  “The usual?” she asked, and every morning he smiled his answer. He’d ordered eggs and coffee for seven days now and he couldn’t disappoint her. He didn’t know her name but the odd familiarity between them was comforting. So was ‘his’ table in the corner where he watched the ferry disgorging several times a day its load of squabbling children and worn out parents, and cars filled with body boards, chilly bins and sand.

 He’d become accustomed to the cafe. The scraping of chairs on the bare floor and the clatter of the coffee machine were soothing and he liked watching the people come and go from the safety of his corner. But today there was a difference. He noticed it as soon as he took his position. Above the chaos there was a new disturbance and automatically his attention focused there, a table within eavesdropping distance.

 The three men looked out of place in fluoro jackets, hard hats and boots. They were sitting awkwardly drinking tea.  One was tapping stubby fingers on the table top while the others spoke. He caught snatches of conversation……. bloody  idiot………..a kid……… trouble”.  There was something urgent in their voices that made him uncomfortable and suddenly he thought of Hinewehi and her chattering. He’d forgotten his promise to visit her but he hadn't forgotten their strange talk. Why had her mother not wanted the little girl to see her father or uncle?

 Grant finished his coffee and walked outside into the sunshine needing to shake off his unease. Across the street, people were crowding into the Four Square for ice-creams and cold drinks before heading to more glamorous destinations. His mood lifted and he resolved to find out where Hinewehi lived. I’ll bring her into town for an ice-cream, he thought.

 Relieved to have reached one decision, he started to cross the road.

 “It’s Grant, isn’t it? I’m Sandra. Sandra Richter. Can I have a word?”

copyright Donna McTavish 2014

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